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Am I an Alcoholic?

If you repeatedly drink more than you intend or want to, if you get into trouble, or if you have memory lapses when you drink, you may be an alcoholic.

Only you can decide. No one in Alcoholics Anonymous will tell you whether you are or not.

The following questions may help you.

Have you ever decided to stop drinking for a week or so, but only lasted for a couple of days?

Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking - stop telling you what to do?

Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?

Have you had to have an eye-opener upon awakening during the past year?

Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk when you don’t mean to?

Have you missed days of work or study because of drinking?

Do you have “blackouts”?

Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink?

Do you envy people who can drink without getting into trouble?

Have you had problems connected with drinking during the past year?

Has your drinking caused trouble at home?

Do you ever try to get “extra” drinks at a party because you do not get enough?

If you are concerned about your drinking, why not discover what other lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex alcoholics have found in Alcoholics Anonymous. For more information about Alcoholics Anonymous, click the What is AA button?

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